Braver Than Britain, Occasionally — A Book by Spadge Whittaker

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“This year, I will face Britain’s top 10 biggest fears and I will conquer them. I will be brave. I will be valiant. I will pierce very questionable body parts…” – Spadge, January 2015

Being ‘braver than Britain’ is quite a statement to make, I know, but this book will be my evidence.

This year, I will face Britain’s top 10 biggest fears and I will conquer them. I will be brave. I will be valiant. I will pierce very questionable body parts…*

Who needs a comfort zone, anyway?!

Let’s do this.

* That reminds me, next time someone taking a survey asks you about your biggest phobia, if you could lie and say ‘cake’ instead of ‘needles’, that would be awesome. Thank you.

Britain's Top Ten Fears
  1. AcrophobiaFear of heights
  2. OphidiophobiaFear of snakes
  3. GlossophobiaFear of public speaking
  4. ArachnophobiaFear of spiders
  5. ClaustrophobiaFear of small spaces
  6. MusophobiaFear of mice
  7. TrypanophobiaFear of needles
  8. PteromerhanophobiaFear of flying
  9. AgoraphobiaFear of crowds
  10. CoulrophobiaFear of clowns

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